Taking the First Step
Although some things may be better left unsaid, having a conversation with your parents about aging is not one of those things. In fact, when it comes to having the conversation about senior living, you might say it’s always too soon until it’s too late.
This describes the circumstances too many of us find ourselves in when it comes to realizing the major transitions we face with our parents as they age. That’s why Aspen is dedicated to helping you and your older adult parent begin a dialogue today. This conversation will help you plan as a family for life’s natural transitions into old age and support you in finding the right senior living option.
The Gift of Conversation
One of the best gifts you can give yourself, and your aging parents, is to start the conversation about how they see themselves living out the rest of their lives. Although it may be hard to talk to your aging parent about difficult subjects, such as getting older, needing help, or planning to move to a senior living community, it is better to start the conversation when they are in good health rather than in the midst of a health crisis.
Many of us are in denial about our own aging process and have not planned for the future. No one wants to picture one’s self needing help with walking, bathing, toileting or eating. But if the topic of your parents aging is approached with respect and with the intention of involving your parents in helping to set their own course, the conversation can be less stressful and more productive.
Essential Conversation
More often than not, these important conversations about senior living do not happen. Even though both generations have thought about what will happen next, few seem to act on it. By sitting down at the table, you and your aging parent have the opportunity to ask the right questions, evaluate options and decide on a plan together.
This will reassure your parent that they will be taken care of as they age. It will also provide comfort as you learn more about your parent’s wishes and values as they age. This article is designed to help educate you on how to start the conversation and support you as you walk with your parents on their aging journey.
Studies show that few families have these types of conversations until a major event occurs. Often it begins with a visit home by children during which time it becomes apparent that Mom or Dad is having trouble with normal daily activities. Although it is critical to bring up these subjects before a crisis arises, you should keep it casual. Don’t overwhelm Mom and Dad. Let them feel your love and concern.
Remember, helping your parents to plan for the future is not only important for their well-being as they age, but it will also have a positive impact on your emotional well-being.